Sunday, September 28, 2008
Let's Call it a Day
That Saturday was tiring whooh!. A woke up around seven and took a bath. When I was finished, I looked for something to wear. I sneaked out in the ironing stand and let my aunt flat ironed my polo. My Ninang saw me and told me that I should have prepared it before the day. I had two polo but I don't know what to wear. I had chosen the blue stripped one. Now I am ready to go. We had gone to Magallanes Adventist Church around 8:45 a.m. The program was starting back then. I saw a glance of it and it was about kids and what they are to eat. Their costumes were graet. They had worn head costumes that represent their character. An example of which is a candy. We went outside the church to get ready for our part. We were to sing in the first part of the fellowship. I think the song was good enough. We went outside to listen to the lesson. We sang another song for the second part of the fellowship. The sermon ended around 12:30 at noon. We had our lunch then I took a nap for a short while. We had our A.Y. then. We had sang a song at the beginning. I really don't know what happened inside the church 'cause I was outside sleeping. After the A.Y. was a concert of a blind man, Mr. ...... This man was incredible. Not only he can play the piano as good as a physically well man. He told a story of himself before he became an Adventist. He can play accordion as well. He really inspired me to pursue my music career(ahemmm). He is a good singer. He was awesome out there. Inspite of being blind, he did not stop from this disability but instead he used it as his inspiration. When we went home, the rain started to pur. It rained until it had poured harder. I got so tired and man I was so sleepy.
Monday, September 22, 2008
What a Day

Well, this is the time when I don't have anything to do. I DID NOT JOIN THE FIELD TRIP. We still have classes even though many of my classmates left for the Career Orientation to be held in Tagaytay. Atleast I have time to post for my blog. I have nothing much to do right now. I had finished reading my DC comics issue 49. I went in the IT center to edit and post new blog entries. I'm together with my cool friends(they did not join th e trip as well). We are doing random things like touring around the campus and eating our lunch as early as 9 in the morning. I don't know what will happen this afternoon but I know that it will be BORING! Maybe I'll play runescape later. I am thinking of not attending school this afternoon but I think it is not allowed. Many opposing things come in my mind but I don't know what to do.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Another Special Saturday
Another Saturday had passed. We went to Silang to sing. On the way there, the sky got dark and the rain poured. It didn't stop until we got in the venue. Our car accidentally hit the spotlight of an FX when we tried to park in because of the very strong rain. We had two sets of songs which we sang. It had been a great day for us. We had reached our home late 7 p.m. My sister told me that I should eat right then for we will go to a funeral. We are about to sing there. I had eaten my supper as fast as I could. On the funeral, we were not able to get a nice seat. I stayed in the grassy part where I can feel the jumping over my foot. I saw my teachers in elementary at the funeral. I felt exhausted when we went home.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Random Events1
After some time, I had created a new entry. I forgot all about this blogging and stuff. I got too busy with playing online games. As far as I could remember, my last entry with sense was my first entry as well. Now I will start all over again.
What had happened to me since the start of schooling?
I had new classmates, old ones, new friends, new environment, new teachers, new set of subjects, and new experience. I am now finally in the last high school life I need to go through. Thank God for still helping me through.
This whole time I was amazed. We had formed a musical group. My cousins, one is playing the piano, the other one is the violin, and me, the flute made a great team as musicians. After the short exposure. Me and my cousin who plays the violin had been playing our insruments in our church during A.Ys. I felt sorry for my cousin who plays the piano for she had to go back to school early afternoon during Saturdays, and for that reason, she was not able to play with us.
Every weekdays had been hard for me for the school is really one heck of a thing. You should it first in your agenda for it is really a big deal. Especially during the examinations. And the day which I'm afraid of came. It was the test day. (MORE TO COME...)
What had happened to me since the start of schooling?
I had new classmates, old ones, new friends, new environment, new teachers, new set of subjects, and new experience. I am now finally in the last high school life I need to go through. Thank God for still helping me through.
This whole time I was amazed. We had formed a musical group. My cousins, one is playing the piano, the other one is the violin, and me, the flute made a great team as musicians. After the short exposure. Me and my cousin who plays the violin had been playing our insruments in our church during A.Ys. I felt sorry for my cousin who plays the piano for she had to go back to school early afternoon during Saturdays, and for that reason, she was not able to play with us.
Every weekdays had been hard for me for the school is really one heck of a thing. You should it first in your agenda for it is really a big deal. Especially during the examinations. And the day which I'm afraid of came. It was the test day. (MORE TO COME...)
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