Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I had been Anticipating for This

I had been Anticipating for This

Oh come on, at this very moment, my hands are shaking for tomorrow…tomorrow, I’ll receive my much awaited laptop. Yeah, I had been waiting for it for like two months now. It only started as envy. I overheard that my cousin asked her mother to give her laptop because she needs it. I wondered if I can also do the same. I asked it to my godmother and she disapproved. She told me that I don’t have money to buy such things and I should by things that are useful to me.

I had been bugging her before about buying a dog and she told me the same thing. After two days I guess, before I got to school, she told me that she had told my Tita, we use to call her Mama, in abroad that I want laptop. Sometimes I wonder if I’m just adopted because I always feel very special. My relatives always give me thins that they don’t give to my sisters like MORE money and a lot of shirts and shoes/

My Ninang told me that Mama said yes when she asked for a laptop. I felt excited. Really excited, that I always tell about it to my classmates and they often call me laptop boy. I am just really happy that I want to express my feelings. The problems haven’t arrived yet.

Mama doesn’t want it to be sent via package because she knows that before I get it, it will be broken already. I was thinking how can I get it? My cousins were planning to go to their mom in the States back then. Mama told me that she’ll just send it through them. I think I can wait for January first because that is the time when they will go back here.

Mama changed her minds. She is just going to send it to my older cousin from States because my cousins have a lot of stuff to bring and they are already to bring home laptop to each one of them. I can wait for it. My older cousin will be coming here on the 15th of January because of the wedding of his sister.

There came a time that I was so desperate to get my laptop that I told our household why don’t Kuya Emboy (older cousin) go here as early as December 25th? Don’t he miss his parents here? Of course that was a joke but I mean it….

And now the wait is finally over. I’ll mark my calendar for tomorrow. Wait that is also my sister’s IELTS so I wish her all the best. I wish for her success in the examination.

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