Wednesday, January 14, 2009

What is your breakfast? I tag you

Every morning we eat our breakfast to boost us for the daily activities we are to do. But what if your breakfast is cigarette? Oh come on, I hate it. I encountered a lot of times, when I am to go to school riding at a tricycle; the drivers are smoking cigars already. Can’t they wait to smoke later that afternoon? It is so wrong for me to see people smoking as early as 7. Of course I can say this cause I don’t smoke but why that early?

When I pass by houses, I can smell the scent of the food they eat, sometimes fish or stake. It seems that it is the start of the new beginning. A day had passed and we need to face another day. But whenever I smell smoke coming from cigar early in the morning, ir seems that my day is broken already,

I pity those who don’t know what smoking may lead or even those who know the effects to their health but don/t put a stop on their smoking.

When I grow up, I will try my best not to have any vice. Our body is the temple of God and we shouldn’t mess with it.

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