I am one of those who were infected by the plurk virus (being addicted to plurk). Plurk is somewhat similar to other online networking service where you can see your friends posts just like when you are in a conference.
I found new friends at Plurk. Tenten, Paulo, Chala, Kua Shin, Kua Mark, Kua Renie, Kua Labadlabad, Ate Maxene, and Paulyne
I forgot already how I manage to create an account in Plurk. I got addicted to it that I always try to open it atleast once a day to increase my karma and reach Nirvana.
I like Plurk a lot much more than Friendster. I always see to it to post at Plurk everyday and chat with my friends there. Plurk had always been my priority once I open Mozilla. I always visit Plurk. Whatever I do with the Internet, I make sure that I check on my account and reply to posts. I sometimes do not turn off my computer at night just to let my Plurk account open. It is the most visited site for me.
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